So, Black Library Live! 2011 has been and gone for another year and what a great day it was - it was great to meet up with all those who enjoy the books, hobby and artwork.
A big THANKYOU for making all the hard work feel worthwhile.
Many folk saw the new Corax artwork for 'Deliverance Lost' by Gav Thorpe and Black Library have now put the final (lo-res) image up for your enjoyment and scrutiny:

Corax in orbital drop.
The brief wanted an Art Deco hanging garden city
something we've never really seen in 40K before
Thankfully the artwork has gone down a storm. It was inspired by a specially commissioned illustration by John Blanche - Corax has never been seen before, so who better to define his look ;)

I was inspired by the idea of a 'Dark Knight' style
base-jump mixed with 'Star Trek' orbital drop.
Anyway, here you go - feast thine eyes upon it and feel free to leave a comment.
See you soon!