Hello, All,
Sorry about the lack of posts, but sheer workload has meant that I've been unable to maintain the blog as much as I'd like. But, that'skind of a good thing, right?
Anyway, this is the latest cover for the Horus Heresy Audiobook "Garro: Legion of One" by James Swallow:
(Above)Cover Artwork for Garro: Legion of One.But exactly WHO is that on the cover...?Here's the blurb:
Nathaniel Garro, loyalist Death Guard, and hero of the Eisenstein, has found a new calling in his service to the Emperor. Surrounded by a cloak of secrecy, Garro travels the galaxy in pursuit of his new goal. His quest will lead him to heart of the most destructive warzones, and reveal a secret that will change the course of the Horus Heresy itself..."
and here it is in the final design:
(Above)Yeah, Classy!
You can pre-order it
here and
here - tell 'em Neil sent you ;)
Also, Games Day has been and gone - and what a day it was, sketching and signing all day. It was a shame I couldn't come the day before to catch up with the authors, as they're a great bunch and good company. Ah well, that'll teach me to BREAK MY LEG!
Here's a few pics from the BL Art Seminar me and Jon Sullivan gave (thanks to all that came along) from
Shane McElligots FB page:
"So, an Ork, A Space Marine
and an Eldar walk into a bar..."
(Above)Erm, stop looking at my plaster cast, Jon.Anyways, a big thankyou to all that came along and made us feel welcome and appreciated. I'll be working on that "Music to Draw Space Marines By" album for next time ;)
Next up - magazine work and the Sarah Jane Adventures...!