It was great fun working on this one as it's a step away from the explosions and gritted teeth that usually appear in my work. Also, I love the way there are no header/ footer bars on this, the image just bleeds off the page - luvverly bit of design, Tharg!
As always it starts with a sketch:
Then my wife took a few reference photos with me 'in costume' holding various plastic toy gun props - hey, no sniggering at the back!:
Then I painted up the final version, paying close attention to their expressions, I wanted them to look like they'd just stepped out of a futuristic/ cop/ buddy/ hitmen film ( a sort of Beverly Hills Cop meets Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer):
Here's a little fact, fact fans... Dan Abnett, the writer of Sinister Dexter, is also one of the fantastic writers for the Horus Heresy series, of which I do the covers - Oh, and did I mention that Dan is an AWESOME chap!
The great thing about 2000AD covers is the quick turnaround - you do the illustration, next few weeks it's in the shops - sorted!
Hey Neil, you want to get yourself a copy of this months Megazine as well. You'll be glad if you do!
Cheers, Dave - so I hear!! Maybe another blogpost is on it's way soon...
Great stuff Neil, Dans stuff is probably my favourites from the horus series as well :D
Nice work once again ... I've given Damon a couple of copies of 2000ad to bring with him tomorrow ... hoping you'll scrawl you name on the me... I will then of course sell them ...
Not really ... I will of course treasure them, show them to my grand kids ... one day.
i can't keep up - good work!
This looks great Neil!
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